Marquette Preschool Image Staff

Faculty & Staff

The success of a preschool is keenly dependent on the skill, experience, and professional development of its teachers and staff. At Marquette Manor Christian Preschool, our well-trained faculty not only exhibit a caring attitude towards the students but also have a focused vision for the academic success of each child.

We desire that each child under our care, reaches his or her full potential academically, spiritually, and socially.

Don Sherwin 1

Don Sherwin

Academy/Preschool Administrator
Sandy Primm

Sandy Primm

Preschool Director

Liz Martuneac

Liz Martuneac

Childcare Supervisor and K4 Teacher

Jill Allman

Jill Allman

Kindergarten Teacher

Rebekah Grossman

Rebekah Grossman

K3 Teacher


HollyBeth Mueller

Music Teacher


Jen Coffey

Food Services